Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh how long it's been...

So, here I am, back again (Jen is back, tell a friend- Eminem? Anyone? Bueller?). Right, so I don't know if this will ever be faithfully updated, but here I go. I may end up anywhere after I graduate, including right back in Maine (where at least three of the five people who might actually read this thing reside, so it would be sort of pointless), BUT I could also end up in Hawaii or Idaho or West Virginia. And maybe then I'll update! 

And maybe not. 

Anyway, life as it currently stands: I'm in the middle/end of Chapter 2 of my Masters Thesis. It's kicking my ass, but I have faith! We are in the middle of our season, and thus far our record is not the best, but I also have faith that will change soon. Other than that life is pretty unremarkable- except for the fact that last night I had chocolate dipped strawberries and they were AMAZING.

That's all for now, over and out.