Friday, April 3, 2009

Anyone know any good anti-rain dances?

     Rain stinks. Our games are getting cancelled all over the place, which means that we'll play 
basically every day for third week of April, and then our pitcher's shoulders will fall off. 
     It's times like this that I love and hate New England at the same time- spring is amazing, because you literally feel reborn after months of hibernating and being grumpy, but then you can't actually enjoy it for longer than 24 hour stretches at a time, because you're too busy trying to keep your furniture from molding. Though living in Mass is better than in Maine, mostly- Maine tends to go through month long stretches in the spring where the sun doesn't shine at ALL. It's like a tease, you have one nice day and then it's back to combating the seasonal depression. 
    ANYWAY, as you can tell, grouchy about games being cancelled. But Sunday is supposed to be nice, and we're scheduled for a makeup- assuming tomorrow's games don't get cancelled, then THEY'LL get made up Sunday. Wish us luck, and let the anti-rain dances commence!