Monday, May 25, 2009


Also, here's my schedule, for those who've been asking. :)

Måndag 25/5 Leksand
Tisdag 26/5 Leksand
Onsdag 27/5 Karlslund Åker till Örebro på förmiddagen
Torsdag 28/5 Karlslund
Fredag 29/5 Karlslund
Lördag 30/5 Göteborg Åker till Göteborg på förmiddagen
Söndag 31/5 Göteborg
Måndag 1/6 Göteborg
Tisdag 2/6 Söder Åker till Stockholm på förmiddagen
Onsdag 3/6 Söder
Torsdag 4/6 Sundsvall Åker till Sundsvall på förmiddagen
Fredag 5/6 Sundsvall
Lördag 6/6 match Su-No Åker med Norrköping från Sundsvall
Söndag 7/6 Norrköping
Måndag 8/6 Norrköping
Tisdag 9/6 Norrköping
Onsdag 10/6 Norrköping
Torsdag 11/6 Enköping Åker till Enköping på förmiddagen
Fredag 12/6 Enköping
Lördag 13/6 Enköping
Söndag 14/6 Karlslund Åker till Örebro över dagen, bor i Enköping
Måndag 15/6 Jen åker hem till USA Enköping ser till att Jen kommer till flygplatsen

Arrival and Leksand

    So I got here safely, all is well, and I've been put to work right away! I got to Enkoping Thursday afternoon, and stayed with Ingrid and her family. It was like I'd never left, it was wonderful- like visiting relatives. Vidar immediately wanted me to go jump on the trampoline with him, etc. All the girls on the team were happy to see me too- I was a little taken aback by how happy they were, honestly- it got a little embarrassing after awhile, but it was really nice. 
   The next day I got up early to pitch with Ingrid, since she wanted some help before I headed to Soder that day, a town just outside Stockholm. I gave a clinic there last year and stayed overnight, plus many of the Soder girls were on the national teams, so I know them all well and it was great to see them again. The session went well, everyone said they learned a lot. I'm headed back there at the beginning of next week for two more days.
    So then Friday I went back to Enkoping after the clinic, and Saturday morning I drove with the team up to Leksand for games- though I'm not allowed to play so I just kept the book. I think Leksand is one of my very favorite places here, the people are great, and it's a really beautiful area. I'm staying with the family of one of the girls on the team who I'd never met before, they have a little apartment down in the basement. They are incredibly nice (as everyone I've ever met in Sweden has been) and have been treating me so well- insisting I have dinner and wine with them, then go in their outdoor hot tub, etc- tough life, no? They're getting their money's worth, though, I gave a clinic yesterday,  am giving one today and helping run practice, and then am going to a school to give lesson during the day tomorrow before coming back here for a final clinic. 
   So life is good! I need to do some work now, so I'm off, hope all is well!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm off!

Okay. I leave for Sweden in 5 hours. I will update this blog as non-sporadically as possible, which you all know may mean anything from a coupe times a week to no posts until August, two months after I get back. 

Wish me luck!