Monday, June 9, 2008

Quick update

Hey everyone,
I'm exhausted, so this really will be short- yesterday we beat Skövde (which is pronounced huev-deh. Go figure.), the best team in the league 2-1 in the game I pitched. No one's beat them in the past two seasons, and Enköping has never beat them, so everyone was pretty excited. I finally started pitching more like my old self, and had a pretty good outing against them. The girls played great defense behind me, I was so proud of them- we worked on outfield cutoffs and infield plays on bunts and slaps for the whole week, and they executed beautifully and made two double plays over the game. Emil, the husband of Maria (our third baseman and Agnes' parents) bought all the girls ice cream, he was so happy. So it was fun. We lost the second game, and Ingrid had a tough game pitching-wise, but overall everyone felt pretty good about the day.
I'll post longer and with pictures later, but Thursday I went to Västerås (vest-ar-oas) to watch a typical Swedish graduation ceremony (Jonna's brother was graduating), and stayed overnight at Jonna's house till Friday afternoon. Pictures and more on that later. Today Ingrid, Vidar, Freja and I went to the series of islands in and around Stockholm to visit the king's other palace (the one he actually lives in, he just works in the one in the middle of the city), and to go to Ingrid's mom's house, which is on the next island over. She has a summer-home-turned-year-round house that's very pretty, so we ate lunch and then walked to the lake with the kids and had a fika (reminder- a snack with sweet pastries, juice,and/or coffee and tea). It was a very relaxing day, and the castle was beautiful- again, I'll post pictures later.
We came back and had an American cultural experience by making s'mores. I had a discussion with Ingrid about smores awhile ago- she thought they were gross, and I was horrified, until she told me she'd made them with European marshmallows which, like those available in New Zealand, are kind of fruit-sweet and not at all like jet-puff ones in the US. BUT, a couple days ago Ingrid found American-style marshmallows, so I showed them how to roast them and stack with chocolate, we used a type of cracker called a Marie, since they don't have graham crackers. It worked pretty well, everyone got very marshmallow-y and had a sugar high for the next hour.
Okay, that's all for now- I'll post with pictures soon!

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