Wednesday, June 3, 2009

update from söder

Quick update- I'm now in Söder, which is just outside Stockholm, and am about halfway through my trip. It's been really busy, but I think the clinics have gone well, and the towns I've visited so far have been happy with the experience. It's been a little stressful for me because the individual clubs did not do a very good job communicating with each other or with me, so when I show up at each place I don't know for sure IF I'm getting picked up at the train station, let alone by whom, and I have no idea what my schedule is. That, combined with not staying in a any place longer than three nights, is starting to take it's toll- but the softball is still going well, so that's good! I can sleep when I get back to the US, right?
Anyway, I had a lot of the day to myself today, which has been really REALLY nice, and now It's off for a clinic, then I'm running a practice for Söder. Tomorrow I head up north to Sundsvall. They're the one club that has sent me a schedule, and they are keeping me VERY busy, so you probably won't hear from me for a few more days.

love to all


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