Friday, May 23, 2008

Comments and other stuff

Hey (Or hej, I should say)
So I've had a couple questions from people about the comments thing- when you make a comment on one of my posts it goes to me via e-mail and I have to approve it before it will show up on the webpage. Starting now, I'm not going to publish anyone's comments on the web unless you specifically ask me to. This way you can respond to what I write without worrying about other people reading it, making fun of you, etc. If you still don't feel comfortable doing that, then I love getting e-mail as well, the is the best account to send any e-mails to. I love hearing your responses to my posts, as well as how everyone's doing- keep me updated!

Not much going on today, just practice and a couple pitching lessons. I'm giving about 2-3 pitching lessons a day, which has been tiring but really rewarding so far. Ingrid's done a wonderful job giving these girls fundamentals, so instructing them on pitching has been easier than I would have hoped. Ingrid herself has also been working with me almost every day, and her pitching is improving a huge amount- she's going to be really tough if she keeps going the way she is now.
Tomorrow I go to the National Team tryout, I just talked with the coach on the phone, and he's excited to talk pitching and to see what I have to offer. The other pitching coach is apparantly also excited to talk to me, hopefully we can learn a lot from each other- she's supposed to be pretty good. So I get back tomorrow night around 8:30pm. Sunday Ingrid said we might go somewhere together- all the kids and she and I (Micke is working), to "show [me] something other than Enköping".

A couple random things:
-Micke is pronounced mik-eh, with emphasis on the first syllable
-Freja is pronounced frey-ah, emphasis on the first syllable
-Enköping is pronounced eyen-shupping, emphasis on the first syllable
-It finally gets truely dark at 11:30 at night, and the days get longer every day!
-I have not eaten anything pickled yet, though on Midsummer I will apparantly eat a lot of pickled fish (called sill) and take many shot of snaps (swedish schnapps)
-Pippi Longstocking is Swedish- which I totally forgot, but man is she popular here!
-Swedes are obsessed with gummi candy

That's it for now!

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