Wednesday, May 21, 2008

More than 1 week in!

So I've been here for more than a week already- which feels weird because it seems like it's flown by, but also like I've been here longer than that- which says good things about my comfort level here, I guess. I've pretty much just been relaxing and, with the exception of softball and pitching lessons, lazing around this past week and a half. Thus the lack of exicting events to report- but today I got a bike! So I'm now mobile and ready to go, and am finally over my jet lag. Watch out Enköping!
So this weekend I'm going to a town about 2 hours northwest to help out with National Team open tryouts- I'm going to meet the national team coach and talk pitching for awhile, and if it all goes well and he likes my style then I may act as a second pitching coach for the National team while I'm here. The most significant part of that is traveling with them to Amsterdam during July to participate in a European tournament- so we'll see what happens! They already have a Swedish pitching coach, but apparantly she's more than willing to be taught new styles of coaching, and I might have more pitching teaching experience than she does (she just stopped playing herself 2 years ago).

Yesterday I played a bunch with Freja, the five year old girl who I live with. She's ridiculously adorable, and loves to teach me the swedish words for things and learn the english one in return. Neither of us usually remember the words five minutes later, but that's okay. The only problem is that, as a five year old, her pronounciation isn't always the best, and she tends to draw out the words she says to me in order help me understand her better- which has exactly the opposite effect. We get by with gestures and a english-to-swedish dictionary, and yesterday we played a bunch of board games that I didn't really understand, but were fun anyway (I have a feeling some of them were too advanced for Freja as well, and we ended up simplifying them a lot).

Well, that's about all I've got for now. Hope everyone's doing great!


Unknown said...

Did someone say Amsterdam? :P

Unknown said...

Great to hear to hear you have settled in so well, and good luck with the National Coach.
Try not to have to much fun without me.
luv ya