Sunday, July 13, 2008

    I'm posting from Sundsvall, a town about 4 hours north of Enköping. We played two games here yesterday and won them both, though the second game was one of the ugliest wins in which I've ever participated. When the team headed back home I stayed here, I'm in a hostel now and am checking out in a minute before catching the bus to towndown Sundsvall. Hostels here are actually moe like budget hotels. The prices are like high-end hostels (20-30 USD a night), and there's kitchens, shared bathrooms, etc, but you can also get rooms with bathroom in them, and there aren't really dorms like in most hostels, instead it's divided into doubles or quads. Interesting. Makes it harder to meet people but it was nice last night, I was wiped after the games and had a double room to myself, so I was able to shower, relax, and go to bed early. And despite the bathrooms being ouside my door it was still quieter here in the morning than it is at Ingrids!
     So now I'm going downtown to figure out where I'm going next. Originally I was going to take a bus to Umeå, a university town another 4 hours north, but the regional buses are on strike so that's out. I'm thinking of renting a car and heading north a few hours- this is actually a more interesting prospect anyway, since some of the most beautiful coastline in Sweden is just north of here, but isn't on any bus routes even if they weren't on strike. So it depends how much a one-day rental will cost me- I'm planning on trying to be back here on Monday afternoon to catch the train to Uppsala, where Ingrid says she can pick me up.  
    So I'll try to post after I get back to Enköping, hope everything's going well back in the US!

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