Sunday, July 6, 2008

Mom and Dad were here and have left! Their visit was really fun, and now I'm exhausted and need to sleep. So no long post, I'll update with pictures soon. We hung around here (Enköping) from Sunday to Tuesday (after they went though the trip from hell on the way here), then drove up to Leksand, which is about 2 1/2 hours north of here. Leksand is in a huge valley on a lake, all created by a meteor impact thousands of years ago. It's a beautiful region, so we spent a few days exploring around there, relaxing in our wonderful inn (funny story behind the inn to come), and running a clinic and pitching lesson for the Leksand softball team. It was really fun coaching with dad, and mom was a terrific sport about us spending so much time on the field.
Thursday we came back to Enköping, and Friday we went into Stockholm, into a tourist area called Skansen. More on that later.
So it was really fun, nad I miss you guys already! They made it home safe and trouble-free, thank goodness.

Good night!

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