Friday, July 18, 2008


Okay. So- you are now reading the blog of the official interim Swedish National Team Pitching Coach- which happened kind of by accident, but hey, who's complaining?!
Basically it went like this- I've worked with several of the girls on the National team while I've been here, including that tryout up in Norrkoping a month and a half ago. So I was supposed to go with the team to Holland and help out with coaching, which I wasn't too sure about, since I didn't want to step on the toes of the actual pitching coach, especially since this year was her first year and she seemed to not really want any help. So I didn't even think I was GOING to Holland at the beginning of this week, then I called Paulina, the pitching coach, and she told me she couldn't go. Turns out she has a serious skin condition on her hands that's taken a turn for the worse- nothing life- threatening, but she needs to stay at home, inside, and take her meds and not pick anything up. Which really is awful for her, but she was glad I'd called, since she wanted to make sure I was going to Holland so the team would have a pitching coach. Then I got a call from Mattias asking me to officially take the position for this tournament. So here I am!
Anyway, conclusion: you probably won't hear from me for a week or more (not that that's anything too unusual!), unless the hotel we're staying at has internet access that isn't too expensive. So! Have a lovely week!!

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